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1 mange

Go in to the Facebook page and click Manange

2 page access

On the left side, click Page acess

3 add new

Click add new at the top right corner

4 search facebook friend

Search for a Facebook friend

5 give control

Give the control you want the person to have.

PS! If this person only want to help you posting, answering request etc. do NOT give full control


EFL252/ 302/ 352 Elektrisk Motvekts gaffeltruck bruker egenskapene fra diesel gaffeltruck. Utskifting av dieselmotoren til 205 Ah Li-Ion-batteri, gjør at EFL252/ 302/ 352 får en kompakt ramme, men likevel meget romslig benplass for føreren.

Inova Light Ltd. provides

Inova Light Ltd Provides services such as:

Web Design | Web SecuritySocial MarketingSEO 
